Selasa, 05 Juni 2012

What's Macular degeneration ?

The retina is the interior layer of the eye. The macula is the central portion of the retina and is responsible for detailed vision. Macular degeneration is caused when part of the retina deteriorates.

the foremost common kind of macular degeneration is Age-related macular degeneration and is that the leading cause of legal blindness in people older than 55 years in the United States. Age-related macular degeneration affects additional than million people within the United States. Owing to the rapid aging of the U.S. population, this range is expected to extend to almost twenty million by 2020. Because overall life expectancy continues to extend, age-related macular degeneration has become a major public health drawback.

There are 2 types old-related macular degeneration:

Dry kind, This type results from the gradual breakdown of cells within the macula, ensuing in a gradual blurring of central vision. Multiple, tiny, round, yellow-white spots known as drusen are the key identifiers for the dry kind. The spots are located in the rear of the attention at the amount of the outer retina and are detected by examination of the retina with an ophthalmoscope. Spots sometimes come into sight when an individual reaches their late 30s or older. Folks with these spots might have excellent vision and no symptoms. Most folks with age-related macular degeneration begin with the dry form. The dry type of macular degeneration is abundant a lot of common than the wet form. Doiscover about dry macular degenerationtreatment.

Wet kind, In the wet kind, newly created abnormal blood vessels grow under the middle of the retina. These blood vessels leak, bleed, and scar the retina, distorting vision or destroying central vision. Vision distortion usually starts in one eye and might affect the opposite eye later. In contrast to the dry kind, vision loss could be fast in the wet sort of macular degeneration.
Wet macular degeneration affects solely regarding fifteen% of people who have age-related macular degeneration however accounts for 2-thirds of the folks who have vital visual loss.

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